Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Good Evening

I've finished Boston Legal now and have moved on to the 4400. I'm a bit sad Boston Legal is all finished with.

This evening Jenn, Cary, and I went to the pizza place to take pictures for David's flier. Except... David is in Beijing and there was much confusion about what was supposed to be done. We took some silly pictures with his staff which will most likely have to be re-done upon his return. I probably blinked in more than half of them. I also had a Chinese child put in my lap a couple times, but she was just adorable, so that wasn't so bad.
Then we headed to Lian Sheng so that Jennifer could get juice. I bought bread and candy, because that's all I eat anymore other than McDonalds and pizza.... and curry.... and velveeta. Surprisingly I've lost weight being here.....

Cary and I decided to go to Le Nest to see if it was as crowded as everyone was saying it was. It was. We threw back a couple Buds, then were invited to the table of some new Chinese 'friends', one of whom I think may have been the owner of the club. We shared some drinks with them before departing.

I'm heading back to Le Nest on Friday because they're having a foreign DJ come in to perform and I have high hopes he'll be quite good. The DJ this evening wasn't bad though, and we only had to listen to three songs sung by a Chinese performer.

My ears are still ringing and I'm feeling a bit topsy turvey so I'm going to drink some water and head to bed.

I rather do enjoy going out for a drink on weeknights.

P.S. SSDD3: Deadjournal has hatred for me and won't let me post on your blog. Just wanted to say good luck in your search for a dog, and be sure to check out pure breed rescue dogs too. :)


Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks! You are so sweet. Best of luck with students....(yeah, isn't drinking during the week great? It feels like a real break, haha!)

Anonymous said...

It sounds as though the pictures should be very interesting. I'll look forward to seeing how they turn out.
Not much news. Kelly and i are going to go and see a movie or go shopping on Friday as I hardly see her as she is so busy now.
It is good to blow off a little steam during the week. It's why I enjoy my Wine and Women Wednesday group. Tonight we are closing down the Investment Club. Luckily we got out before the market truly tanked.
Love you lots. Hope we can talk soon.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Glad that you enjoyed Boston Legal, it is one of my favourite US programmes too, unfortunately it only appears very sporadically over here, often on the paid channels so I am well behind on the latest series. But never mind I can still watch Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty has just finished. These latter two are almost on a par with Coronation Street, Neighbours and Eastenders - much dark doings in the latter... and in Corrie too come to think of it. I still watch The Bill and everytime the theme music comes on I remember a little person sitting on our settee saying "Oh no! Not The Bill again!" Happy memories of Summer Holidays.

Glad that all is still going well, I have read the Mallory blog, for Canadians they have their heads screwed on right don't they. The fake wedding ring sounds like a good touch, Grandma thinks that Becs and Dan did that when they were in India.

You Christmas parcel from England has been sent and I think that Mum has received the dresses.

Keep up the good work.
ps Grandma loves you too... I've got to get her to post her own comments...