Thursday, November 20, 2008

Can you ask me an easier question?

Tonight was the last round of speeches. One of my students, Ivan, gave presentation about a laptop. He was a great salesman, I want one now! And they're only 3999rmb. Not bad at all. If I can find one, I'm all over that. We only had 11 presenters and I didn't ask a single question the entire time. They kept looking at me, but there was really nothing to ask. Everyone did pretty well, and those who didn't, well, I wasn't really able to decipher what they were saying anyways.

Tomorrow we take pictures! I guess I'll have to make an effort to dress nicely. I'm thinking about chopping my bangs since they're down to my chin now. I have some scissors around here somewhere...

I did some more online 'shopping' today. I.e. I went online and put things in my online shopping cart to see how much I would spend. (Note: nothing was actually purchased.) Walmart is having a fabbo clearance sale. Want to see my goodies?
Even if you don't, tough, this is my blog.

You can check out the goods here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
All that goodness for only $51. Free shipping too. Nice.

Then I meandered over to Target to check out the clearance there. (You do know that if I was in the states right now I would be in the actual stores anyways, right?)
Found some more fabbo goodies you can see here , here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Total was $42.41. Not bad at all.

Why do I love shopping so much? I think it's because I'm a bit bored here. Plus I have no friends who want (operative word here) to go shopping with me. Perhaps another reason to move to a bigger city next year.

Class interviews/midterms went well today. I have many students who want to own their own business someday, mostly selling clothes. One student wants to own a car factory. A couple want to be fashion designers. All very interesting stuff.

Tomorrow I head down to Nanchang. Very exciting indeed!


Anonymous said...

I can ask you an easier question.
When are you going to blog again?
I miss reading it.
Have a nice weekend.
Love you lots, Nana Banana