Friday, September 26, 2008

Today we're going off to a magic land....

A number of inconsequential things occurred today which all led to..... my complete and utter exhaustion.
I taught three classes; BE 3 at 8am, BE 1 at 10am, and my Secretary's at 2:3opm.

In BE 3: Since I had BE 3 class A (occurs on Tuesdays) twice this week I let them watch the movie Stardust and choose to do their lesson on Sunday instead. Well, apparently, some of my kids from Class A also come to Class B. Those are my smarty pants kiddos. Anyways, those kids who had come to both classes wanted to finish the movie. Um... except the kids in Class B hadn't even started the movie, so that was quickly vetoed. We watched Smallville instead, then did Lesson Four: On The Phone.
After class my dear outspoken Jane (I think that's her name) came up to me and said something to the effect of, "If you're going to make the two classes different I think you should just combine them into one big class again." I kicked her in the face.
Not really.
I simply explained to her that Class A was meeting twice in the week, and since I didn't want them to get ahead of Class B, they got to watch a movie and would be learning the lesson we had just covered on Sunday.

In BE 1: Nothing of consequence. One of my favorites, Track, is in that class. His English is very good and he tries so hard. Actually, the class surprised me today, they all did really well. I made them close their books to write the dialogue which absolutely stunned them. I mean, you should have seen their faces, they were shocked I wouldn't let them use the textbook.

In Secretary class: These girls are some of my best speakers so I thought I would reward them by letting them have a fun activity. We finished watching Stardust and afterward I asked them to make up a magic land and describe it for me. So, loyal readers, here is your treat, some of the essays my Secretary's wrote:

A magic land in my mind.
Our life is cruel, we need some active and fresh mind to keep our brain sensitively. Once, I always think about a place which we couldn't see in our dialy life except in dream or imagine.
There are two couples of witches. They both lived in deserts. One is named good, the other is named bad. One day a human being is forced his way into the desert. At first, good found him. She took him back home and made friends with him. Then, bad came up an bad idea. She wanted that human being gave her his eyes, so that she could go out to see the beautiful world. Oh, forgot to tell you, both of the two witches couldn't met with light. They just lived behind dark all the day. But if they can get eyes of that man, they can free to see anything they want. Later, good knew bad's idea, she helped the human being away from the desert, but as we all know, witches are very difficult to deal with. As good helped the man, she broken with bad and left desert with the man. She couldn't see anything after she left desert, the man become her eyes, told her beautiful the world it is.
Time passed quickly, the man fell in love with the honest witch, good. Miracous appeared, good could see everything when they got married. Then, they lived a happy life.
Yeah, there is another witch, bad. Yes, because she is dishonest and couldn't treat other with her true feeling and just thing about herself. So, she stayed in the desert forever.
So I always think that if I treat others with my heart, they will returns smile to me. Yeah, it need my alway trying to prove it.

There is a magic land which is made up by witches and wizards. Everyone is unordinary, and has magic power. They are different from human being. They can show in oceans deserts and jungles. They move as fast as wind. Some animals have dog heads, deer bodys, and bird legs they are strange which we can't find on earth we have never seen before. The plants are colorful and beautiful. Some flowers are as big as beds, they attract the tired people to lay on them then they burn the sleeping people. They eat witches and wizards too.
But this world is peaceful wizards have to find their true love and marry to them they can live long or they'll die of their thirty and their true love must be human being only. Witches too.
They don't need to work hard because they can create everything they want. So it's a peaceful and lovely world all people are happy.

A magic land in my mind is very beautiful, and aren't fight, you and me get well along with others.
In magic land witches and wizards are needed because of their magic, this land become so beautiful and magic. Certainly, have oceans, deserts and jungle, the same as on earth.
There have many donkeys. You know donkey in people's mind is stupid, but, now, in here, they are so smart, and they are people's good friend.
There are not only one of the same color, there are seven colors. Do you know why? because Rainbow is the bridge, she makes the magic land wonderful, and full of colors.

There are many witches and wizards. They eat every kinds of animals and baby. It is covered in jungles. Everything in there is black. But they change into different colors in the night. The water in rivers turn into red. The fish in rivers become to pretty girl. The animals are strange for me. They all have five legs, three eyes and they can use many kinds of enchantment. People are honest, kind and smart. They are a team. The witches and wizards live in a place and people live in another place. The birds can sing. Everything looks like very good except witches. There is a boundary between witches and people.

These kids are great. They are really taught not to be creative, but the fact that we can still tap into that, and that they can express it in English, gives me hope.

In other news, I cleaned my kitchen counters today and burned the tip of my finger with the cleaning solution. I need to get some rubber gloves, that stuff is dangerous. At least everything is clean now!

Nathan left for his trip today. Hopefully he'll have a good time, it's looking like the area he's going to is about to get hit with some pretty nasty weather. Gotta love rainy season.

Bed for me. I'm off on holiday in t-minus two days. Rock on.

P.S. Did I ever mention that I have a student named Demon? Now, the Chinese know what Demon means in English. I find this all just so fascinating.


Sarah said...

They sure do like witches and wizards. Those are great! Thanks for posting them. I really like reading your blog, it makes me xiang Zhongguo.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you had your students write creative stories. One of my best lessons I did last summer was when I had them invent their own superhero. They really like having a chance to be creative, and are surprisingly good at it.

Telling students to close their books is the BEST. I think that is probably the best thing a student can ever hear. Unless a test is about to start, at which point, "leave your books open" is probably the best thing they could hear, haha.

You should absolutely use "Oh my god" all the time when you talk to them. They will probably not realize you are making fun of them ;-).

Today in the class I was observing, they were learning indefinite pronouns (everybody, anything, nobody, someone, etc.), and one of the students in the back (I think he is European) started singing "Rock Your Body" by our friends The Backstreet Boys, and it was awesome.

Your English will get worse before your Chinese gets better, hahaha...I feel like teaching English makes it get worst that much faster, you know? Strange.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were able to turn evrything around from yesterday and that when you challenge them with new things they can surprise you. Jack is laying next to me totally upside down with a paw over his eyes. He is a sweetie. Love you lots, Mom