Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy teachers day!

Yesterday was hellish. I had two classes, one at 10am, the next at 2:30pm. But first, I had my health exam.
Yeesh. That was an adventure. Hamlin picked me up at 8:30am and we drove out to the boonies. I'm serious. The absolute boonies. This hospital had nothing remotely near it. It was an old style hospital. The x-ray machine was archaic. The woman who game me my sonogram was grumpy and mean, she put suction cups on my chest and zapped me, I had to pee into a tiny plastic cup using a squat pot (no easy task!), and they stole my blood. It was not my favorite experience.
When I got back from the hospital I had to go straight to class. BE3 is a nightmare. The kids are juniors which no one bothered to tell me. Which means no CET review for them, which means I have to come up with even more material. I had them introduce themselves and answer a few questions and one of them was a brat and told me she thought introducing themselves was boring because they had been doing it for the past three years. Uh... hello! I haven't been here for the past three years. She's on my poo-poo list. Another girl came up after class and told me I should use the computer. Well that nice. I didn't have the key to unlock the computer, but let me just break in to it anyways. Gah. I don't like most of them.
BE2 went much better. We watched the Apprentice, the season with the celebrities. They really like that show. We did the lesson I had planned in the second hour, and it went pretty smoothly. Thank goodness.
I spent all evening watching Roswell and making power points.


Today was nice.
This morning I had my secretary class. They really are adorable, and totally my favorites. They brought me flowers for teachers day! It was a nice way to start the day.
We watched Project Runway in class then did a lesson on restaurants. We're going to work on restaurants some more next week because we only have class once (due to the lunar festival) and they have no idea what Italian food or American food is (other than McDonalds).

I only had one class today which was a welcome relief. After class Jennifer and I went downtown to get some dvds for our classes and ourselves. We had McDonalds for lunch and while there we saw other white people! They were high schoolers, so they must be expat kids. Pretty crazy stuff. We walked all the way back from downtown along the lake. It was nice to look at (minus the smog) but very, very hot. I picked up some school supplies along the way. We also stopped at mom and pops, and mom taught me a new measure word. I've forgotten it now though. Shame.

We're having an absolutely wicked awesome storm right now. Lightening everywhere. I love it. It's pretty funny to see all the students scatter as soon as the rain starts to fall. I don't blame them though, I wouldn't want to stand in the rain here. ACID RAIN!
I'm watching the Little Mermaid: The Beginning, or whatever it's called. I just ate instant mashed potatoes which were pretty tasty, and some ramen as well. I'm done grading papers, and my power point for tomorrow is finished up.

Ahhh.... done.

If you know of any shows involving business I could use in my class, let me know. We're going to watch Ugly Betty, Apprentice, and Project Runway, at the least.

I should have some time this weekend to reply to e-mails. I've still got to do all my power points and lesson plans for next week, but those can wait until Saturday. For now, I'm taking a break!


Anonymous said...

For the first week you have done an amazing job. I am very proud of you. I'll keep looking for any interesting resources and will send them. Glad you'll have a three day wekend to recuperate. Lov you lots, Mom

Sam Woollard said...

There is one BBC TV programme that if you can get at it would be good for your Business classes. It is called Dragons' Den and would be entepreneurs have to make a 2 minute pitch before a panel of businessmen and women with money. At the end of the pitch the Dragons ask questions about the service or product and decide if they would like to invest in it. The rule of the show is that the entrepreneur has to get ALL the money they have asked for, it can from one or more of the Dragons but it must total the full amount. The Dragons will also ask for a share of the business dependent on the size of their inverstment and this has to be negotiated. It would be a great programme for your budding business people to watch. Hope that you can find it.

I echo mum's sentiments in that you have done an amazing job and that we are very proud of you. Enjoy your weekend and hope to hear from you soon.
G & G

Anonymous said...

You have learned quite a bit in your first week of teaching. Do you intend to make this your lifelong career or is this just a practice run for something else?
If you cant get the BBC TV program that grandpa told you about, do you think he could tape it and send it to you? I dont even know if people "tape" anything any more or if there is another method that is more up-to-date. I am so NOT up on these modern things. But you know what I mean, anyway.
Keep up the good work. I love you much, Nana

Anonymous said...

yay for project runway and ugly betty! another you might consider would be "the office", however, the humor might confuse them... maybe? i duno. love you muchos!


Nathan said...

Mad Men is a show involving business.