Saturday, September 6, 2008


Jennifer and I headed downtown for some KFC this evening. We ran into a couple of her students who all like to say her name as soon as they catch sight of her.
After consuming much fried food (and mashed potatoes!) we went to the local shopping places to get a plunger for my ever clogged toilet. Except the first place we went to we ended up buying granola bars and lotion, but completely forgot about the plunger. However, we found one in the second place.
We took a taxi back to the school to drop off said items then walked to the massage center. Man, oh man, my masseuse beat the crud out of me, but I feel much better now.

Now it's back to Roswell and relaxing.

And that's all she wrote.


Anonymous said...


I'm glad you adapting to China and found the KFC. Make sure you keep writing and call your mom once in a while or I have a bummed out gorlfriend on my hands. We miss you but glad you are on your big adventure.


Anonymous said...

First box is on its way with some granola bars and cereal. Hope it reaches you soon. Quiet weekend, college and professional football has started so I am happy.
Love you lots, Mom

Sam Woollard said...

Good luck with the first class tomorrow, it would seem that your preparation has been detailed and thorough and that your friends have given you some good advice as to what you will come across in your first few days. Your circus class training will probably come in useful as teaching is a bit like walking a tightrope - a quick sway to this side and then back to the other, all the while tightly holding on to the reality balancing bar. And at the same time thinking, "is this working?" or do I need to go faster/slower before you worry about falling off. You have your angels around you and lots of people over here thinking about you and willing you to succeed. As we stage amateurs used to say, "Last call, beginners on stage and curtain up!"