Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Again with plans changing

So... I found out that getting a train ticket to Huangshan on Sunday was impossible. Thus, I had to change my plans. However, it's only gotten better!
I am leaving Monday morning on the bus. I shall arrive in the area in the afternoon. I am staying at a different hostel which is actually closer to the southern gate of Huangshan Mtn. It's going to take me another hour bus ride to get out there though. I figure Monday will be my day of orienting myself to my new local and talking with the other people at the hostel. The room I am staying in is one with 6 bunks, which is not only 3x cheaper than the last hostel I was planning on staying in, it means I will be forced to meet people. Rock on. I'm staying for four nights instead of three, so I'll have an extra day. I'm thinking of going to these ancient villages they have around there which are supposedly incredibly gorgeous. Or... I may go back to the mountain and enjoy the hot springs. There are so many options!

This week is booooooring with school. Actually, the class I had today wasn't too bad. I'm still a bit yucky from the cold, so I had them do most of the talking today. I think everyone got a chance to speak.

I'm off to put away my laundry.

P.S. Thought I would post a map of the grottoes:


Anonymous said...

The whole area looks so beautiful. I am sure you will have a good time and meet some interesting people.
Love, Mom