Thursday, October 9, 2008

Let's talk about something else...

Today I had two great classes. I decided not to use the book again, and just taught them new vocabulary then let them take the reigns when it came to their dialogues. We got some pretty interesting ones. I love it when my kids are creative.
I've decided to chuck the book out the window. They already have to use it for their pronunciation and grammar classes, so I figure we can do something new in oral class.
I'm planning on teaching:
Anti-smoking, their assignment will be to come up with an anti-smoking ad
Olympics, we'll talk about China's economy during and after the Olympics
Halloween, that week is just going to be fun. I'm going to have them make masks out of paper plates
Tanning vs Whitening culture
Name brands and counterfits
Job interviews
Social Networking sites
Obesity and Exercise

I'm pretty excited. I'll have to come up with some more lessons, but those are my starters.

Tomorrow I head to Nanchang to hang out with Nathan. I still haven't heard from David, so I guess I'll be going with Sophie. No sweat off my back.

I'm wiped. I'll respond to e-mails sometime this weekend. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Honey

Hope you have a great time in Nanchang. One of the neighbors had a garage sale today and there was a book on business ethics which may have a couple of pieces that could be pulled out for lesson plans. I'll bring it with me in January.
Love, Mom

Sarah said...

Wow, those are some serious topics. I think it's really cool that you're tossing the book and getting them to talk with political and social consciousness. You continue to rock.


Anonymous said...

I've been behind on blog reading, but I hope everything is fabukous!


MichaelYip said...
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Anonymous said...

I've been behind on blog reading, but I hope everything is fabukous!


Anonymous said...

I've been behind on blog reading, but I hope everything is fabuLous!
