Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have the best mom in the whole world. I got THREE packages today. Happy!!!

My apartment is now decorated for halloween. To be honest, it makes me so happy to have these up, they may just stay up all year. We'll see.

I spent an hour putting together goody bags for the classes I have on halloween. Lucky ducks.

I'm so excited!!!

I also got my birthday presents from Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you! The dresses are gorgeous, and I am so excited to wear the shirt.

Today while walking to class I saw a girl wearing a 'Life is Better Blonde' shirt. It amused me to no end, I should have taken a picture with her.

Class went much better today. I toned down the lesson a bit, and I think they understood a bit more. Asking them to think outside the box, or book, I should say, is almost too much for them. It's a shame, really. These kids are intelligent, they just never really use it to their advantage.

That creepy show, Hello Teddy, is on right now. Instead of saying, "No purple" the dog said, "Nople". Eef. I still really feel bad for the girl on this show, she must hate her job. Her eyes are dead.

Had a nice chat with Lindsey today also. I tried to talk her into moving to China, but it didn't work. Haha. Maybe when I move to a bigger city next year. :)

Oh! I think I'm going to have a birthday party at David's pizza place the Saturday before my birthday. Hooray! I'm really excited about it. Then we're going to go out to a club or something of the like. I love that Halloween is on a Friday and my birthday is on a Sunday. Perfection. What a great way to turn 23.

Right, I'm off to have a bath and study Chinese.


Anonymous said...

so, the girl wearing the "life is better blonde" shirt... did she have blonde hair? I'm guessing no? How awesome is that! nice skyping with you last night! must do again soon. bahhh now i'm off to work, where i'll probably just write a paper and make an assignment for my undergrads.


ps - i had to lock mika up in the bathroom last night because he was driving me crazy. i don't think he got the hint.

Anonymous said...

Glad the boxes arrived. One was sent four weeks ago and the other two were sent two weeks ago. Maybe they wait until you have three at once before delivery!. Glad to hear that classes are going well. Miss you lots.
Love, Mom

Sam Woollard said...

Glad that the dresses and shirt arrived safely and before your birthday. Wear them with pride, they come with lots of love.
Did the Vista discs arrive? The last time I talked to Mum she said that you were still waiting for them. Perhaps they are banned in China.

Grandma and I have a whole pile of UK postcards to send you, we intended to do so today but it was Goosey Fair day in Tavistock so we caught the early bus and spent a fortune instead! We will post them this week as next week we are off for a short break to North Devon - one of our cheap "Evening Herald Coupon" caravam breaks where they do great end of season deals before they close for the winter.

According to the brochure the place has an indoor heated swimming pool which we plan to use each morning before breakfast. We will be close to Barnstaple, Bedeford and Clovelly and although we will be near a beach I doubt whether we will spend much time sun bathing at this time of the year. However we will get some good cliff walks in and try to get some degree of fitness before we put on weight over Christmas.

Take care, Rachel sends her love and so do Betty and George.
Grandma and Grandpa