Monday, October 6, 2008

I got nothin'...

Nothing of interest to report.

This evening Jennifer and I went to the bookstore. I picked up a book on the WTO and Pride and Prejudice along with a ton of Business English books that are a million times better than the textbook the school provided.
Yeah... I'm done with that book.

I also picked up some Christmas presents. I'm thinking it's just going to have to be a stocking stuffer year since mailing things will be expensive. I also got Nathan a little something for his birthday to go along with our planned trip to Lushan for next weekend.

Speaking of Lushan, looks like a pretty awesome place full of interesting history. I'm about half-way through Wild Swans which is all about the Communist Revolution, and Mt. Lu was where the Lushan Conference was held. Read about it here.
Mao and Chiang Kai Shek both had homes here which are still open to the public. Apparently Mao had a western style toilet.

I think I'm finally starting to feel all that lack of sleep over my vacation.

Next week we don't have classes on Wed, Thurs, or Fri. Nice. It's sports day or something. Rock on, brutha.


Unknown said...

chairman mao's got the best pipes at his crib. if you bring me back one i'll be your bf forevah!