Monday, March 30, 2009

Well that's that then...

Another stellar weekend down, only a few more to go until summer vacation bliss (except I will be in school for a majority of my vacation).

Nathan and I are thinking about renting an apartment instead of me staying in the dorms and him doing whatever. I would actually save money since I'm paying $800 for 6 weeks and I know for a fact I can get an apartment for cheaper than that. I would just need to purchase a bike for getting to/from classes. We're thinking of taking a trip to Beijing during our May holiday to scope out places and all that.

Next Monday we have off, so Nathan and I shall probably take a short trip either to Wuhan or Changsha. Not sure where yet. It will be nice to explore another area though.

This week I'm working on pronunciation in my classes. Today my 2:30pm class might as well have all been sleeping, they were truly out of it. I made them get up and do exercises until they woke up. I ended up dismissing them early because I think we all just wanted to be out of class.

I'm off to read/nap/do laundry/clean.


samw7 said...

Hi Honey

Glad the weekend went well. Sounds like a good idea to rent an apartment. I wander if there are any English teachers who are leaving for the summer who would like to sub-lease. Sounds like everyone was sleepy for the 2:30pm class. i would have liked to see you getting them to exercise.
Love you lots, mom

Pat said...

Hi Jess
I read the P & O article in my paper today. Your Grandparents were certainly lucky not to have booked on that trip. Just a shame that your Grandma picked up a tummy bug but at least it was at the end of her journey.
Your summer school sounds great and I'm sure will be well worth the effort
Hows Fafu settling in.
Love Pat

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or do you get a super amount of vacation days?
It's probably just me.

Anonymous said...


If you get an apt., try to get one super close to school. You know how your Nana worries about you!
A hot pink bike with a polka dot umbrella attached sounds just like you. You go girl. Oh yes, make Nate pay his half and make sure he does half the house work. (Nate, this is for Jessica's eyes only)
Your class sounds like it was a hoot! Exercise does wake you up.
Love you lots and miss you, Nanabanana