Monday, March 16, 2009

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight.... Squee!

School-wise, it was a long day. The kids didn't seem to love the sports lesson. Blah. They enjoyed the clips, just not learning the rules and terms in English. Next week is game week, where I'll be using games to test what they remember, so maybe it will be more fun.
After my last class I then went to Grace's class since they had never spoken to a foreigner before and answered questions for awhile.
Yeah, teaching totally kills any nervousness you may have about speaking in front of crowds you don't know. It's totally no sweat anymore. Bizarre.

As my treat for working so laboriously today, I decided to allow myself time to eat girl scout cookies, finish the final Twilight book, and finally watch the Twilight movie.
It was a good afternoon.
I didn't know what to expect with the Twilight movie. I hadn't watched any of the trailers and I had only seen Robert P (the guy who plays Edward) in pictures on Perez Hilton. I was actually thoroughly and happily shocked by how good it was. The first Twilight book was not the best, so I wasn't expecting too much from the movie. Stephanie Meyer (the author) didn't seem to find her voice until the later books, and thus, Bella (the main character) was incredibly irritating to start off with. However, in the movie she was well-played and they toned down the irritating bits. Overall, a success I would say.

I've got a stack of movies waiting to be watched, right now it's a tie between 'Rachel Getting Married' and 'Transporter 3'.



goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Glad the cookies arrived safe and sound. All the books are pretty much fluff reads, but I thought you might enjoy them. Glad the movie was good. Maybe I'll actually read the books. I've been putting it off as I generally don't like vampire stuff. I loved Rachel Gettting Married, but it is pretty intense at times. Kelly and I saw Waltzing with Bashir and had to go our and have a brownie with ice cream afterwards just to decompress.Just remember that you never know what someone is learning, so just keep moving forward.

Love you lots, Mom

Lindseeeee said...

you went through that series FAST! I still haven't really delved into the 2nd book yet. Maybe b/c the beginning of it isn't very great? I kind of thought the movie was really slow at first, and towards the end got better. but i'm still a fan, I definitely agree that its fluff reading.

I'm realizing that I don't have very many close girlfriends anymore. There's you, Jenny, and Kirsten. But you're in China :( So I hang out with a lot of boys lately, wondering why there's so many of them. I blame it on you :)

Love and miss you dearly!


Nathan said...

I think you should bring some girl scout cookies down here this weekend.