Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things I did today...

  • Taught a class about American universities.
  • Got my hairz chopped the heck off. Pictures later when I am not so sleepy/having a bad skin day.
  • Ate baozi.
  • Watched a singing competition.
  • Came up with the idea to have a karaoke class next week since my students are willing to sing but not to speak in class....?
  • Bought a Japanese fashion magazine.
  • Bookmarked all the clothes I want to have made in my various Elle and other fashion mags.
That's all.

Tomorrow... more of the same.

Edit:// So when Mom was here, on our way to catch the train to Nanchang I had to run through the train station with no shoes on. I got a small cut on the bottom of my foot, but I got it all cleaned up and band aid-ed. Well, all this time later it still hadn't healed and was somewhat sore... so I decided to get a pair of tweezers out and have a dig around in there... I just pulled a rather large piece of glass out of the bottom of my foot that had been in there this whole time. D'oh. Guess it'll heal now.


Pat said...

Sorry to hear about your foot. If you can get hold of it try lavendar essential oil on it, it's a really good antceptic or if not Tee Tree oil. Hope they work.
I like the idea of karaouki but they have to sing in English.
Love Pat

Lindseeeee said...

Umm... is your foot going to fall off from glass being in there this whole time? Ouchies... hope not!

Karaoke is the best idea you've had yet! I wish I was taking your class.


PS - get on twitter. I like it there.

Nathan said...

Oh no! I hope your foot will be alright! If not, I'll be there to wheelchair you around handicapped-unfriendly China.

Mom said...

I can't believe that glass has been in there the whole time. Bathe the area in some kind of antibiotic.
Love you Mom