Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today a saleslady at the supermarket called me cheap because I didn't want to spend 23 yuan on honey when there was a bottle for 13 yuan.


Also, I bought medicine at the pharmacy. The lady there was really helpful. We communicated by me saying, "Wo de..(points to throat) bu hao." (Translantion: My (points to throat) is not good).
Then she asked me if I was coughing/sneezing (she did this by making the noise) too, which I nodded at, and she knew exactly what to give me. So I'll give it a try. Of course... I have no clue how much to take and how often. I'll figure it out.

I also have honey and fresh lemon too, so I figure I should be better by the time Nathan gets here on Friday.

I have been unable to locate salt. MSG aplenty in the supermarket, but no salt from what I can tell. I somehow don't think MSG would have the same effect as salt.

And... I'm making home made spaghetti sauce. I cut up the tomatoes already and put in a cut up clove of garlic, so that's sitting in the fridge and will be cooked up tomorrow to be ready for Friday when Nathan gets here. Hopefully it works out. I bought onions, garlic, and mushrooms to put in it.

Started reading Twilight. Pretty good so far, but I honestly wouldn't compare it to Harry Potter like so many are, I've read better. I think I'll have to hunt down the other books while I'm in Shanghai or Beijing if possible.

It was warm today.

Over n out.


Anonymous said...

Hi honey

Hope all the potions make you feel better soon. You are not cheap you are frugal, a good family trait. I am sending healing thoughts your way. Picked up my 1200 yuan yesterday. Yeah!!
Love, Mom

Hayley said...

Aww you sound fed up! I also am sending happy and healing thoughts. Lets hope the medicine works so you dont have to resort to the 'traditional' stuff they do out there that i've heard about! ;) I hope you have a wonderul weekend with Nathan and your cooking goes well. Love Hayes xxxx

Anonymous said...

Yum, spaghetti.

"teng se le". It means "hurts to death". Like if you were hungry, you'd say starving to death? Well, "teng" is hurt, and "se le" is "to death". So...yep. Now you can point to your throat and say "teng se le!" Or, just "hen teng", if you prefer.

The 汉字 for "teng se le" is 藤色了.

I hope you feel better!.

Lindseeeee said...

i have a blog now! I miss you....