Monday, January 5, 2009

Jennifer is Right...

I am a lightweight.

Half a bottle of red wine (the one from the wine-tasting gig) is gone and now flows through my veins giving me flushed cheeks and an airy mind.

Today I ventured out into the not so cold world of Jiujiang, the first time in far too many days. I bought contact solution, conversed with the locals, and purchased groceries so that I could cook a feast.

Upon my return home I made a scrambled egg- tomato concoction which is popular here, although my scrambled eggs didn't turn out so well as they do in the restaurants. Then it tasted a bit bland so I added the wonder that is ketchup and it was edible and bordering on good. I even added rice, and it must be a different kind of rice than they use in the restaurants, because I didn't have quite such an allergic reaction and although my stomach is now sore, it doesn't feel like there is a rock in it as it usually does.

Keroac's On the Road is turning out to be quite good, although confusing in how he writes and 'speaks'. Dean is just a crazy man and Sal isn't much better. He lets himself get sucked up into the madness. I still agree with my original thought that this book rests better with the males species than with the female. I'm starting to pick up some of the lingo which is fun, although maybe will end up being confusing to any who don't understand it (i.e. the Chinese who speak English with me). I'll probably finish the book tomorrow, and then you can have my full thoughts on it. Has anyone read it? I'm definitely not trying to dive into any of the metaphors or philosophy that Keroac spins out in this book yet, that I'll leave until I finish it.

Today I saw a cat walking around meowing in the grass, and as he walked a bunch of little kitty heads popped up, and wowee, started following him/her. Strange, strange, but I wanted to take them all home. I've been missing Jack something fierce, although it sounds like he's having a good time with his grandma and 'adopted grandpa'. Spoiled little thing.

Nathan comes back with Mike on Wednesday, then we start our hiking trip around the southern parts of this province. Hopefully it will fulfill Mike's need to get out of the city. Lucky I've got this fantastic new hiking backpack so I'm well equiped for our travels.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about the Kauai 2010 plan. Summer, winter? What are we thinking here? I've got about a 5 weeks in the winter, and 2 months in the summer, so I can swing it either way.

Have fun on your trip Grams and Gramps. I hope, hope, hope I'll see you in Hong Kong, I'm definitely planning for it.

Nana! I miss you lots. I hope you're holding up well. I'll send you an e-mail soon.

Mom gets here soon. Well ain't that crazy. Just a few more days of boredom then off on a trip of a lifetime.



Anonymous said...

You will be happy to know that Jack and I got along well. After casing the house for a while, he fit right in and settled down. He's basically a good boy so he's all set to stay with me during Sam's trip to China.


Unknown said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! there it is.