Sunday, August 10, 2008

Plane tickets cost too darn much.

I bought my one-way plane ticket the other day. It set me back $924, not to mention I'm going to have to pay to check my bags. I realize now that I should have bought my ticket way back when, but you live, you learn. I'm heading out on August 25th. The trip should be a total of 27 hours travel time, not to mention the 1.5 hours it will take to get from Nanchang to Jiujiang.

Having sent off for my visa a few weeks ago, it has now been returned to me via UPS. I'm thrilled because all the pieces I need to leave the good ol' USA and enter China are now in my possession.

I've also bought presents for the headmaster of the school and Lisa, my contact. Some nice watermelon taffy and Texas pecans.

So now, the countdown truly begins. I have only to pack up everything I have acquired, get rid of everything which currently clutters my bedroom, and head out.

Did everyone catch the opening of the Olympics? Pretty impressive. China is most definitely using this experience to show off the majesty of it's country. They definitely wowed me. I almost wish I was in Beijing at the moment, but the thought of all those tourists and the amazing masses of people, makes me realize I'm better off waiting until they're over.

The swimming competition is on at the moment, so I'm off to watch that.