Thursday, August 28, 2008

Xingqi Si (Thursday)

Today I did nothing for the first half of the day. Seriously.
I woke up around 8am though. I spent a lot of time farting around on the internet and watching tv.
Only one thing of significance really happened this morning worth talking about. I discovered my shower. Yes, I knew it was new, but, man, this shower kicks mucho butt-o. It has a steamer, two sets of lights, a radio, a mirror, a mini bath tub, and you have the option of having sprays from the side of the tub, through a foot massager, or raining down from the ceiling. It is amazing. I am in love.
Anyways, Mr. Wang came to pick me up around 3:30pm. We bought a new cell charger and hooked me up with a cell plan. My cell number is 13576215031 in case you ever need to reach me in a way other than skype. Oh, yes, skype, I'm working on getting that set up. Tangent.
Well, we got that taken care of and then he asked if I needed anything else. Erm. Well I did have that rather expansive shopping list which needed to be taken care of. We hit up the little shop on the campus and this is what I came away with:
1. Forty hangers
2. Two buckets
3. Bread, chips, and raisins
4. Three small towels
All of which the school kindly paid for.
After we dropped off the stuff in my apartment we went to meet the head of my department and the head of the school. I have discovered that the more important you are, the bigger your desk. They were both nice men who asked the same questions. Where are you from? What is your name? What was your major? What do you think of Jiujiang? Etc.
Post meeting my new bosses, Hamlin (aka Mr. Wang) dropped me at my apartment so I could 'rest' before dinner with those important men I had just met. Instead of resting I unpacked and decorated a touch. Pictures will be up when I'm finished decorating which will be soon-ish.
Hamlin came back and hour later to get me for dinner, then we waited for Jennifer, the other foreign teacher. She is awesome.
Dinner involved much in the way of ganbei (bottoms up) and strange foods, more of which are now in my fridge. I practiced my Chinese a touch. Between Jennifer and I, we can communicate for the most part. I met some more men during dinner, but I did not catch their names. One had a cousin who lived in Houston. He spoke English quite well. We all spoke chinglish and it was really a grand time.
The men dropped Jennifer and I back at our apartments so we could drop off our food. Then she and I hit the town. Well... we walked around town and she showed me all the shops. We also met some of her friends who I hope will become my friends too.
Tomorrow we are planning a shopping trip and more sight seeing. It's finally feeling real. My Chinese is coming back to me quite quickly and I think I'll be communicating pretty well by the time I leave here.
Something else to know... classes here are more like culture classes than anything else. I'm very excited about that!
Oh... and when I tried to charge my cell phone this afternoon I blew all the fuses in my apartment. I know where the fusebox is now!

P.S. Classes start September 8th. Which means I'm on vacation until then. Sweet.


SamuraiSarah said...

sounds very exciting!!!