Thursday, August 14, 2008

Twelve Days

Well, I haven't been practicing my Chinese much.... er... at all. I really should get on top of that.

What have I been doing?
1. Cleaning my room.
It's taking far too long, because I don't want to get rid of anything and yet I want to get rid of it all. At least I have a deadline (Saturday) by which time it must all be sorted through so that we can garage sale it.

2. Shopping.
I have lots of things to get before I head to the Zhongguo. That may be a lie that I'm telling myself to justify the ridiculous amount of clothing I bought the other day along with FIVE hand sanitizers, and a bottle of lotion. Plus, three pairs of shoes. So unnecessary.

3. Spending time with Nathan.
Until a couple days ago we weren't sure how long we would be apart after he left Texas. Now we know it's probably just a couple weeks! We've been shopping, visited Gruene, eaten at Jack in the Box, Whataburger, Thundercloud, Super Buffet, Taco Bell, Dans, and Sonic, and been camping.

4. Visiting Nana and Aunt Melissa.
Nathan and I decided to head up to Ft. Worth to see Nana and Aunt Melissa for a few days. It was great fun, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Good food, good company, good times. Oh, and lots of shopping, of course.

Nathan has headed off to Maryland and the surrounding states to visit with his family. It appears he will be spending the year in Nanchang (1.5 hours from Jiujiang!), teaching at a university there. Isn't it great how things work out sometimes?

I've been thinking that since I have a 6 hour layover in Beijing, it might be fun to do a bit of exploring. I'm not sure of how near the airport is to the Olympic village, but if it's close, you know I'm there.

Also, the Olympics... AMAZING! I can't lie, I've been rooting for the Chinese for most of it. Can you believe that opening ceremony? What a truly proud moment for the Chinese (minus that whole lip-synching thing).

Time to go clean that room some more. It really is a bit of a nightmare.


Nathan said...

Arrgghhh! Still no word on my papers. I may have to delay my flight.