Saturday, June 28, 2008


My contact, Lisa, informed me that the paperwork is well on it's way to being finished and should be arriving in my eager hands "soon". Oh. I don't really know how long "soon" is, but I'm hoping to have it by mid-July, about the time I will be arriving in Texas.

Today is my last day at the Courtyard by Marriott. It's a bittersweet feeling. I've met so many great people here and I will be sad to leave them. I will never forget fosse, that's for darn sure. On to bigger and brighter things though, eh?
My wonderful coworkers threw me a party last night at a local bar, Rafters. We ordered many a chicken wing and drinks. There were basketball competitoins, pool competitions, air hockey competitions. Chatter abounded. In the late night there was even karaoke. All in all, it was a wonderful night and I am very appreciative of those who came out to say farewell to me before my new journey begins.
Pictures will be posted at a later time.

This morning I recieved an e-mail from Lisa about the classes I will be teaching. I shall be a professor-ish of oral English, with about 40 students around the age of twenty years old in each class.
I look forward to the challenge, but I don't promise I'll learn everyone's names.

Tonight, chores must be done. Errands will be run, things will be packed, furniture will be disposed of, and I shall attempt sleep. Three days left in Massachusetts... I can hardly believe it.