Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Montezuma's Revenge....

I should think of a Chinese name for this.... Confucian's Revenge...?

I was very unwell in a very unpleasant way this morning. To the point that after two trips to the toilet during class (luckily I had short vids associated with my lesson that I could show during my bathroom breaks) I canceled the rest of class, canceled my next class, and walked home.


However, I have strangely not been 'sick' since getting home. And I haven't actually felt that ill. My body is whacked.
I will take a couple pepto's before bed though, just in case.

Today was April Fool's Day, and for some reason the people in this country view this as a major holiday, or at least think it's one in the western world. I have received a number of texts telling me to have a 'Happy Fool's Day'. Right.

I'm off to read. Happy Fool's Day to you.


Mom said...

Sorry to hear that you are unwell. It must be most unpleasant. I hope you feel better soon.
Love you lots, Mom

Nathan said...

I think Cao Cao's revenge would be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Jess, you have way too many of these episodes and that is worrisom. You need to find out why, because you are way too young to have this happen so often. This comes from your worry wart Nana. You know the family history dont you? Take care. Love you lots, Nanabanana