Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things which have happened recently..

1. I went to Nanchang to see Nathan and Mike, lured there under the false pretense that we were going to be going hiking in the southern parts of the province. But it was lies! Actually, I think Katie put it most accurately, it was mostly laziness.

2. Instead of camping we went clubbing. Every night Mike was there. We also went to karaoke. This was okay as I decided not to drink for the most part. However, it did lead to many late nights, meaning that the following day we didn't get up until the afternoon, which further lead to us not having time to go hiking. Mike was very popular with the ladies, they really like his beard.

3. The food made me sick, as usual. Chinese food is not kind to me. This lowered my immune system, and now I believe I have tonsillitis. My symptoms are: swollen tonsils, lots of itching which then leads to coughing. I'm drinking ginger tea and sucking on watermelon frost (a type of Chinese throat lozenge).

4. Jennifer left for Nanjing today which sucks because I just missed her. I'll have to make sure I get a trip up there soon.

5. Nathan is in Changsha for a few days, then comes to Jiujiang. Just means a few boring days in Jiujiang for me. Perhaps I'll give David a call to see if he's around so we can hang out/eat pizza.

Edit:// Due to the recession (which means SALES in the shopping world) there are some super fabbo sales at places like Vera Bradley and New York & Company. You should check them out!


Anonymous said...

You really are bummed out are'nt you? Who needs the guys to go hiking? Why dont you hike around town and go shopping?
I'd tell you about my exciting life but right now, it's not.
Did you get the box?
Love and miss you lots,

Anonymous said...

Jess! I finally got your lovely Christmas / Hanukkahmoose/ New year's card, and it made me so absurdly happy! Thank you thank you thank you!

The more and more I think about it, the more I want to go back to China. Or, travel in general, with people I actually like.

How's teaching going? Teaching for me is going pretty well. Except I'm teaching a TOEFL speaking class that's just plain hard. I am pretty happy I don't have to take TOEFL.

I was sick on Monday, and when I came back on Tuesday all of my students were super concerned about me and nice to me. It made me feel appreciated. :-)