Monday, November 24, 2008

Gots so much to do.....

I have to grade papers and work on Christmas cards, so this will be brief.

Had a great time making hand turkeys with my secretary's today. They seemed to really enjoy my Thanksgiving lesson, we did tongue twisters, arts and crafts, and talked about what we're thankful for. Good times.

I'll take pictures of their turkeys soon.

My secretary's are thankful for:

"I am thankful for my parents! I want to do my best and make them happy."

"I'm thankful for God. thankful for Love from my parents and friends thankful for teachers who teach me many things. Thankful for everything. I'm happy."

"I am thankful for parents gives my life."

"I am thankful for you teached our draft the largest turky. This day I am very happy and wish you can teach our more useful things."

After class I took more pictures with my BE1 kids. Then had some rest and relaxation before heading to the art store to get more supplies.

Now it's dinner time along with grading midterm papers. I have to work on my Christmas cards too.

Man.. that Thanksgiving food sure looks tempting.


Anonymous said...

Am I going to be able to cook anything in Nathan's kitchen? If not, is there a really good restaurant we can go to for Christmas dinner?

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey
Sounds as though the class went well. I like it when you share what they have to say. Let me know if you want me to bring over any art supplies. Not too much going on here. it's a grey day outside, which makes for a nice change. Hope you found can opener.
Love you lots, Mom

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my two wonderful little granddaughters. Wish you could be here but I'm happy that you are with people who love you.
Love ya bunches, Nana Banana