Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tomorrow is Halloween!

I'm wearing the awesome shirt that mom got me to class and handing out candy.

I still don't know what I'm going to be. I was going to be a penguin, but Jennifer poo-pooed all over that idea. I may still be a penguin anyways.

Nathan arrives around 8pm, then we are off into the night.

Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. <- I taught my classes that little diddy.

Laundry and sleep.


Unknown said...

i did not poo-poo the penguin idea. i love penguins. i poo-poo'd the idea that you can't be a penguin simply by wearing black and white. it's a delicate process of growing flippers, learning how to waddle and sliding around ice patches on your belly.

Anonymous said...

i think you as a penguin would be super cute! have a good halloween.. wish you could go out to fry tonight! i'll be missin you!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!! I was trying to think of a rhyme to teach my students for Halloween, I completely forgot about that one!
:-D Thanks for the reminder! I ended up teaching that and it was awesome.

...Apparently two of my students rewrote this rhyme, "for someone living in the Bronx", but they didn't tell me what they wrote because they were embarrassed. They said it "wasn't polite". I admit to being vaguely curious.