Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lucky me!

Today I received not one, not two, but THREE care packages and a nice card! I am such a lucky girl.
I am now stocked on cereal, mac n cheese, and various other goodies thanks to Liz, Mom, Grandma, and Jenna. THANKS!!!!

Today wasn't particularly special. I taught only one class but I was so wiped when I got back that I crashed out on the couch chair. A text message from Hamlin woke me up and he dropped off my packages and card. He invited us foreign teachers to dinner, mostly so Mr. Chao (head honcho) could meet Cary the Canadian. It was good times and pretty darn good food. Cary showed us a new liquor store after dinner where you can get some western and Korean goodies.

Oh! When I woke up this afternoon, there was some kind of something going on in the courtyard with a ton of students. There was ballroom dancing, roller bladers, and hip-hop dancers. Pretty awesome.

Tomorrow I have two classes to teach. One of them I already had this week, but since they have changed the schedule, I have them again. We're going to watch a movie. The other class is only on Lesson 2 and I need to get them caught up to the other classes. Friday is my yucky day with classes from 8am-4pm. I'm sure it will be fine though, I'm starting to get the swing of this.

Relaxation time, then bed.

P.S. For all those who don't know how to leave a comment on the blog-a-log:
Just write your comment in the little box on the right hand side of the screen. Make sure to sign your name. Then click the little bubble next to 'Anonymous'. After that just hit 'Publish Your Comment'. Simple as that. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay the package arrived! Hope you enjoy a few goodies. Another one is on the way with your Halloween decorations. I didn't know how long it would take so thought I'd send them early. The courtyard sounds like fun.
Love you lots, Mom

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going better! I miss your face, we need to set up a time to skype because i want to talk to you so bad! my sn is Lindsey285.. i think i tried to add you as a friend on there. But really, lets set up a time!

Love love,

Sam Woollard said...

Glad the card arrived and presumably the Vista discs too. The dresses and T shirt are on their way to Mum and she has promised to send them on so we hope they arrive before the birthday. Keep up the good work. By the way to leave a message you also have to do the word verification letters.